The Rebate List page lets you generate reports detailing sales of non-menu items classified as rebates (for example, gift cards sold).

The data in this report includes data received from your POS system Point Of Sale system - the system/register used to bill customers and track sales. as well as data entered manually via the Daily Entry > Rebates page.

The following information is displayed in the report based on the constraints selected when producing it:

  • Store:The name of the store that received the payment.
  • Category: The type of rebate.

    Click here to learn how to create, edit and delete Rebate Categories.

  • Date:The date on which the payment was received.

  • Description: Details of the rebate (if any).

  • Amt: The total amount received, including taxes (if any).

  • Page Total: The total of all rebates displayed on the page.

    If the report spans multiple pages (more than 100 payouts Cash removed from a register for payments (paying a window cleaner, tipping a delivery person, etc.).), the total displayed is only of the records displayed on that page and not of the entire report.

Rebates can be edited through the Daily Entry > Rebates page.


  1. Open the Rebate List page.

  2. Select the start of the period for which you want to generate the report from the From Date drop-down calendar.

  3. Select the end of the period for which you want to generate the report from the To Date drop-down calendar.

  4. Select the Total Amount constraint that you'd like to apply to the report from the drop-down list, if required, and enter the amount in the box next to it.

    • Equal to: Only rebates with the total payment received equal to the value entered will be included in the report.

    • Less Than: Only rebates with the total payment received less than the value entered will be included in the report.

    • Greater Than: Only rebates with the total payment received higher than the value entered will be included in the report.

  5. Enter the Description of the rebate to include only rebates with that description.

  6. Select the Store for which you want to generate the report from the list.

    Press and hold down the Ctrl or ⌘ key on your keyboard to select multiple options from the list box.

  7. Select the Category for which you want to generate the report from the list.

    Press and hold down the Ctrl or ⌘ key on your keyboard to select multiple categories.

  8. Click on the Produce Report button.

Associated Settings

*optional section or field that may or may not be visible depending on the settings selected, whether the supplier is integrated or not, etc.