Production charts lay out the quantities of inventory and menu items that need to be ready to serve for each time period. The quantities are calculated based on the forecasted demand for the different time periods and the constraints included in the set up of each chart.
There are two steps to building a production chart:
Creating a production chart - Refers to building the basic framework of the production chart by setting the constraints and customizing the chart layout and contents.
Click here to learn how to create, edit and delete Production Charts.
Generating a production chart - Refers to the CLEARVIEW function of developing a production chart for the store and day that you’ve selected.
Once a production chart is created in settings, it can be generated at any time provided that a product mix forecast is available for the day the chart is being generated.
Open the Production Charts page.
Select the Area*, Store and Date for which you want to generate the chart(s) from the drop-down lists.
Click on the Go button.
If one or more charts have already been generated for that day and store, click on the Generate More Charts button.
Place a checkmark in the box for each Chart Name that you want to generate.
Click on the Generate button.
The pre-requisites for generating a production chart are:
Product Mix Forecast for the store and period/day that you’re creating the production chart, and
Production charts created in Settings.
Click here to learn how to create the framework for Production Charts.
The following information is displayed on the page:
Chart Name: The name of the production chart.
Excluded Items: The View Details button shows the items that were excluded from the production chart and the reason for the same.
Status: Provides details of when the chart was generated or if it is in progress.
Charts that have been generated can be regenerated to take into account the latest data by clicking on the Regenerate Charts button.
Open the Production Charts page.
Select the Area*, Store and Date for which you want to view the chart from the drop-down lists.
Click on the Go button.
Click on the Chart Name of the chart you want to view.
The following information is displayed on the page:
The name of the chart.
Whether the chart is a build-to chart or a hold-at chart.
Numbers in this chart represent "Build-To" numbers: The total demand for the item for the interval is displayed in the chart. Build-to figures need to be looked at at the beginning of the period, and after subtracting the quantity that's already ready, sufficient quantities need to be prepared to meet the balance figures.
Numbers in this chart represent the average demand per hold time: Hold-at figures is the quantity of the item that should be ready to serve at any point of time during the period.
The start time for each period.
Item: The inventory item or menu item for which the demand is provided for each time period.
UOM (Unit Of Measurement)*: The measure in which the demand is displayed.
Thaw Time*: The amount of time it takes to thaw the item.
Cook Time*: The amount of time it takes to cook 1 UOM of the item.
Prep Time*: The amount of time it takes to prep 1 UOM of the item.
Cool Time*: The amount of time the item requires to cool before it can be served or used.
Primary Shelf Time*: The maximum amount of time that the item can be kept (once its cooked or ready to serve) after which it can no longer be served to a customer.
Secondary Shelf Time*: The maximum amount of time that the item can be kept (once its cooked or ready to serve) after which it can no longer be used for a secondary purpose (for example, as an ingredient in another menu item).
Demand: The number of units of the item that need to be prepared.
On Hand*: Space to enter the number of units of the item that was ready at that time.
Need*: Space to enter the difference between the Demand and On Hand figures.
Signature*: Space for the person responsible to initial.
The View Raw Demand button opens the Raw Demand page in a new window.
Open the Production Charts page.
Select the Area*, Store and Date for which you want to print the chart from the drop-down lists.
Click on the Go button.
Click on the Chart Name of the chart you want to print.
Click on
Follow the instructions in the print dialog box.
Open the Production Charts page.
Select the Area*, Store and Date for which you want to print the charts from the drop-down lists.
Click on the Go button.
Click on the Print Charts button.
In the Print Charts pop-up box A box with a prompt that opens up when you click certain links or buttons in Clearview.:
Remove the checkmarks for the charts that you don't want to print.
Click on the Print Charts button.
Follow the instructions in the print dialog box.
Open the Production Charts page.
Select the Area*, Store and Date for which you want to export the charts from the drop-down lists.
Click on the Go button.
Click on the Export to Excel button.
In the Export to Excel options pop-up box A box with a prompt that opens up when you click certain links or buttons in Clearview.:
Remove the checkmarks for the charts that you don't want to export.
Click on the Export to Excel button.
Follow the instructions in the save dialog box.
Associated Settings
Production Charts controls the framework for the production charts that can be generated on this page.
*optional section or field that may or may not be visible depending on the settings selected, whether the supplier is integrated or not, etc.