The Message Center is CLEARVIEW's communication center for your organization and can be reached by clicking on on the quick links Located at the top right corner of a page, it contains icons that allow you to quickly access important pages. bar. Here you can view messages received from the CLEARVIEW team, and communicate with other CLEARVIEW users within your organization.
The Message Center icon on the quick links Located at the top right corner of a page, it contains icons that allow you to quickly access important pages. bar will display a number in an orange patch (for example, ) when you have unread messages. The number in the orange patch is the number of unread messages that you currently have. Unread messages could be either news posts or messages from CLEARVIEW users or a combination of both. Once all the messages are read, the patch will disappear and display the complete icon.
You can switch between News and Messages by clicking on the respective labels on the left pane.
News contains communication from CLEARVIEW to your organization.
You can also receive news postings via email. Click here to learn how.
Messages contains communication that you have received from other CLEARVIEW users in your organization.
You can send messages to other CLEARVIEW users by clicking on the New... button.
To view messages that you have previously sent, click on Sent Items in the left pane (Click on the + sign next to Messages in the left pane if you can't see Sent Items).
The Release Date and Subject of new news posts and messages are automatically displayed in bold font in your list of news posts or messages. Once a news post or message is viewed, the Release Date and Subject will no longer display in a bold font. You can, however, change the status of a news post or message to Unread should you need to.
Click here to learn how to use notifications for news postings.
Click on
on the quick links Located at the top right corner of a page, it contains icons that allow you to quickly access important pages. bar.
Use the filters Drop-down boxes that let you select from the options available. to find the news post you want to read, if required.
Click on the Release Date or Subject of the news post you want to read.
The news post will display in the panel below.
Messages are only retained in CLEARVIEW for 14 days from the day the message was sent or received. Messages older than 14 days are automatically deleted.
Click on
on the quick links Located at the top right corner of a page, it contains icons that allow you to quickly access important pages. bar.
Click on Messages in the left panel.
Click on the Subject of the message you want to read.
Click on
on the quick links Located at the top right corner of a page, it contains icons that allow you to quickly access important pages. bar.
Click on Messages in the left panel.
Use the filters Drop-down boxes that let you select from the options available. to find the news post you want to read, if required.
Click on the Release Date* or Subject of the news post or message that you want to change the status.
Click on the Mark as Unread button in the bottom panel.
Messages can only be sent to CLEARVIEW users within your organization. For CLEARVIEW support, contact your CLEARVIEW Support Team.
Click on
on the quick links Located at the top right corner of a page, it contains icons that allow you to quickly access important pages. bar.
Click on Messages in the left panel.
Click on the New... button.
In the New Message window:
Click on the To... button.
In the Select Recipients window:
Use the filters Drop-down boxes that let you select from the options available. in the Available Recipients box, if required.
Place a checkmark next to the name of each of the recipients that you want to send the message to.
Click on the OK button.
Place a checkmark next to important to indicate the message is of priority, if required.
Enter a Subject for the message.
Enter the contents of the message in the box below.
Click on the Create button.
Click on the OK button in the confirmation pop-up box A box with a prompt that opens up when you click certain links or buttons in Clearview..
Messages are only retained in CLEARVIEW for 14 days from the day the message was sent or received. Messages older than 14 days are automatically deleted.
Click on
on the quick links Located at the top right corner of a page, it contains icons that allow you to quickly access important pages. bar.
Click on Sent Items under Messages in the left panel.
Click on the Subject of the message you want to read.
*optional section or field that may or may not be visible depending on the settings selected, whether the supplier is integrated or not, etc.