The Schedule Variance report is an analysis tool that compares the forecasted and actual sales, scheduled and worked hours, projected and actual cost, projected and actual labour percent, and projected and actual SPLH Sales Per Labour Hour. It is the total sales for the period divided by the number of labour hours logged for the same period. (Sales per Labour Hour).
The Schedule Variance page may be reached through:
The Schedule Variance link under Reports > Labour on the navigation bar The row of labels that are located at the top left corner of a page, below the Clearview logo..
The Schedule Variance link under Labour > Scheduling on the navigation bar The row of labels that are located at the top left corner of a page, below the Clearview logo..
The Schedule Variance link under Labour > Reports on the navigation bar The row of labels that are located at the top left corner of a page, below the Clearview logo..
Click here to learn how to set up the report settings in Schedule - Reporting.
Open the Schedule Variance page.
Select the Area* and Store for which you want to view the report from the drop-down list(s).
Select the Period for which you want to view the report from the drop-down list.
Select the specifics of the period* (Date*, Year*, Schedule Week Ending*) from the drop-down list(s).
Click on the Go button.
Select the period for which you want to Include Forecast and Schedule for:
Entire Period will include the forecasted amounts for all time periods, regardless if there were actual sales that happened during the period.
Matching Sales Period will remove forecasted amounts for time periods that reported zero sales.
The following information is displayed in the Summary tab for the Area*, Store and Period selected using the filters Drop-down boxes that let you select from the options available. at the top of the page:
Use the *Show Summary View* or *Show Detailed View* link in the top-left corner of the report to switch between the summary and detailed report.
The detailed view of the report includes the figures used to calculate the variance.
Reporting from/to: The period for which the report was generated.
The store(s) for which the report was generated is displayed in the first column of the report.
Click on
to view the breakdown of the figures by SPLH jobs and Non-SPLH jobs.
Click on
next to SPLH or Non-SPLH to view the breakdown of the figures by each job in that category.
Forecast*: The forecasted sales for the period.
Actual*: The actual sales for the period.
Where Actual is the Adjusted Gross or Net Sales, determined by the POS Period Sales Method.
Click here to learn how to view which sales amount is used in the report in Point of Sale Details.
Variance: The difference between the actual and forecasted sales for the period.
Sales Variance = Sales Actual - Sales Forecast
Scheduled*: The total labour hours scheduled for the period.
- Figures in orange indicate that all unpaid breaks have been deducted from the Hours Scheduled.
Hover over Place the cursor over. orange figures to view the length of unpaid breaks.
Worked*: The total labour hours worked by employees during the period.
Breaks*: The total time spent in breaks during the period.
Total Paid*: The total labour hours that were paid for the period.
The total paid hours may or may not include breaks depending on the Default Breaks control and the Payable box on individual time cards.
Click here to learn how to change whether breaks are payable by default in Time Card Reporting.
Variance: The difference between the total paid labour hours and the scheduled labour hours.
Hours Variance = Hours Total Paid - Hours Scheduled.
Forecast*: The projected cost of labour based on the scheduled hours.
Actual*: The actual cost of labour for the period based on time cards recorded.
Variance: The difference between the actual and forecasted cost of labour.
Cost Variance = Cost Actual - Cost Forecast
Labour Percent:
Forecast*: The projected cost of labour as a percent of sales.
Labour Percent Forecast = Cost Forecast / Sales Forecast
Actual*: The actual cost of labour as a percent of sales.
Labour Percent Actual = Cost Actual / Sales Actual
Variance: The difference between the actual cost of labour as a percent of sales and that projected.
Labour Percent Variance = Labour Percent Actual - Labour Percent Forecast
Forecast*: The projected sales per labour hour for SPLH Sales Per Labour Hour. It is the total sales for the period divided by the number of labour hours logged for the same period. jobs only.
SPLH Forecast = Sales Forecast / Hours Scheduled for SPLH jobs
Click on
next to the store to view the figures for SPLH jobs.
Click here to learn how to change which jobs are included in SPLH calculations in Job Codes.
Actual*: The actual sales per labour hour for SPLH Sales Per Labour Hour. It is the total sales for the period divided by the number of labour hours logged for the same period. jobs only.
SPLH Actual = Sales Actual / Hours Worked for SPLH jobs
Click here to learn how to change which jobs are included in SPLH Sales Per Labour Hour. It is the total sales for the period divided by the number of labour hours logged for the same period. calculations in Job Codes.
Variance: The difference between the actual sales per labour hour and that forecasted.
SPLH Variance = SPLH Actual - SPLH Forecast
Report links:
Clicking on a store name in the first column will open the Schedule Variance Report - Detail page for the store.
Open the Schedule Variance page.
Select the Area* and Store for which you want to view the report from the drop-down list(s).
Select the Period for which you want to view the report from the drop-down list.
Select the specifics of the period* (Date*, Year*, Schedule Week Ending*) from the drop-down list(s).
Click on the Go button.
Click on the Variance by Period tab.
Select the type of periods for which you want to view the report from the Show information in ___ increments drop-down list.
Select the period for which you want to Include Forecast and Schedule for:
Entire Period will include the forecasted amounts for all time periods, regardless if there were actual sales that happened during the period.
Matching Sales Period will remove forecasted amounts for time periods that reported zero sales.
Variance by Period
The following information is displayed in the Variance by Period tab for the Area*, Store and Period selected using the filters Drop-down boxes that let you select from the options available. at the top of the page:
Use the *Show Summary View* or *Show Detailed View* link in the top-left corner of the report to switch between the summary and detailed report.
The detailed view of the report includes the figures used to calculate the variance.
Reporting from/to: The period for which the report was generated.
The start and end time of each time period is displayed in the first two columns of the report.
Forecast*: The forecasted sales for the time period.
Actual*: The actual sales for the time period.
Click here to learn how to change the sales figure used in the report in Point of Sale Details.
Variance: The difference between the actual and forecasted sales for the time period.
Sales Variance = Sales Actual - Sales Forecast
Variance Cumulative*: The sum of the variance of all the previous time periods up to this time period.
Scheduled Hours:
Total: The total labour hours scheduled for the time period.
SPLH*: The total labour hours scheduled for jobs included in SPLH Sales Per Labour Hour. It is the total sales for the period divided by the number of labour hours logged for the same period. calculations, for the time period.
Click here to learn how to change which jobs are included in SPLH Sales Per Labour Hour. It is the total sales for the period divided by the number of labour hours logged for the same period. calculations in Job Codes.
Non-SPLH*: The total labour hours scheduled for jobs not included in SPLH Sales Per Labour Hour. It is the total sales for the period divided by the number of labour hours logged for the same period. calculations, for the time period.
Click here to learn how to change which jobs are included in SPLH Sales Per Labour Hour. It is the total sales for the period divided by the number of labour hours logged for the same period. calculations in Job Codes.
Ideal Hours:
Total: The total labour hours required to achieve the target SPLH Sales Per Labour Hour. It is the total sales for the period divided by the number of labour hours logged for the same period. for the time period.
Ideal Hours Total = Ideal Hours SPLH Sales Per Labour Hour. It is the total sales for the period divided by the number of labour hours logged for the same period. + Ideal Hours Sched Non-SPLH Sales Per Labour Hour. It is the total sales for the period divided by the number of labour hours logged for the same period.
Click here to learn how to change which jobs are included in SPLH Sales Per Labour Hour. It is the total sales for the period divided by the number of labour hours logged for the same period. calculations in Job Codes.
SPLH*: Sales Actual / Target SPLH Sales Per Labour Hour. It is the total sales for the period divided by the number of labour hours logged for the same period.
Click here to learn how to change the target sales per labour hour in Schedule - Method.
Sched Non-SPLH*: The total labour hours scheduled for jobs not included in SPLH Sales Per Labour Hour. It is the total sales for the period divided by the number of labour hours logged for the same period. calculations, for the time period.
Click here to learn how to change which jobs are included in SPLH Sales Per Labour Hour. It is the total sales for the period divided by the number of labour hours logged for the same period. calculations in Job Codes.
Worked Hours:
Total: The total labour hours that were paid for the time period.
Salary*: The total labour hours recorded for salaried employees for the time period.
Hourly*: The total labour hours recorded for employees paid by the hour, for the time period.
Variance Hours*:
Sched vs Ideal*: The difference between the total scheduled hours and the total ideal hours for the time period.
Variance Hours Sched vs Ideal = Scheduled Hours Total - Ideal Hours Total
Sched vs Worked*: The difference between the total scheduled hours and the total hours worked.
Variance Hours Sched vs Worked = Scheduled Hours Total - Worked Hours Total
Worked vs Ideal*: The difference between the total hours worked and the total ideal hours for the time period.
Variance Hours Worked vs Ideal = Worked Hours Total - Ideal Hours Total
Cumulative Variance Hours*:
Sched vs Ideal*: The sum of the Variance Hours Sched vs Ideal of all the previous time periods up to this time period.
Sched vs Worked*: The sum of the Variance Hours Sched vs Worked of all the previous time periods up to this time period.
Worked vs Ideal*: The sum of the Variance Hours Worked vs Ideal of all the previous time periods up to this time period.
Associated Settings
Schedule - Reporting controls the start time for the report.
Schedule - Basic Automation
Job Codes controls which jobs are included in the SPLH Sales Per Labour Hour. It is the total sales for the period divided by the number of labour hours logged for the same period. calculations for your organization.
Point of Sale Details controls the sales figure used for actual sales in the report.
Schedule - Method controls the settings used to create labour schedules.
Time Card Reporting controls time card settings for your organization.
*optional section or field that may or may not be visible depending on the settings selected, whether the supplier is integrated or not, etc.