A menu product mix is the equivalent of a sub-category, into which menu items can be classified. The Menu Product Mix page lets you view/manage the menu product mix labels for your organization.
To access Menu Product Mix settings:
Click on
on the bar from any page.
In the Settings window:
Settings associated to a page automatically show in the List box. If the setting that you want to access is in the List box, you can skip step a.
Select Menu from the Filter drop-down list.
Click on Menu Product Mix from the List box in the left pane.
The following information is displayed on the settings page:
Product Mix: The name of the menu product mix.
Product Group: The into which the product mix is classified.
Report Sequence: The order in which the product mix will appear in reports.
Product mix with the same Report Sequence will appear in alphabetical order.
Only organizations not subscribed to the inventory module have access to create, edit, delete and Menu Product Mix.
Go to Menu Product Mix settings.
Click on the name of the menu Product Mix that you want to view.
The following details are displayed in the Update Product Mix window:
Product Mix Code: The unique reference number assigned to the menu product mix for easy identification.
Description: The name of the menu product mix.
Product Group: The menu product group under which the menu product mix is classified.
Report Sequence: The order in which the menu product mix will appear in reports.
with the same Report Sequence will appear in alphabetical order.
Only organizations not subscribed to the inventory module have access to create menu product mix. Please contact your to create menu product mix if you don't have access.
Go to Menu Product Mix settings.
Click on the Create* button.
In the Create Product Mix window:
Enter the name of the menu product mix in Description.
Select the menu Product Group under which you want to classify it from the drop-down list.
Enter a number in Report Sequence to set the order in which the menu product mix will appear in reports.
Setting the Report Sequence to 0 will exclude the menu product mix from reports.
Click on the Create button.
Only organizations not subscribed to the inventory module have access to edit menu product mix. Please contact your to edit menu product mix if you don't have access.
Go to Menu Product Mix settings.
Click on the name of the menu product mix that you want to edit.
In the Update Product Mix window:
Change the Description of the menu product mix, if required.
Change the menu Product Group under which it is classified if required.
Change the Report Sequence to change the order in which the menu product mix will appear in reports.
Change the Report Sequence to 0 to exclude the from reports, and to any other number to include it in .
Click on the Update* button.
Only organizations not subscribed to the inventory module have access to edit menu product mix. Please contact your to edit menu product mix if you don't have access.
Go to Menu Product Mix settings.
Select the menu Product Group from the drop-down list* for each of the menu product mix that you want to change.
Click on the Update* button.
Click on the OK button in the confirmation .
Only organizations not subscribed to the inventory module have access to delete menu product mix. Please contact your to delete menu product mix if you don't have access.
Go to Menu Product Mix settings.
Click on the name of the menu product mix that you want to delete.
In the Update Product Mix window:
Click on the Delete* button.
Click on the OK button in the confirmation request .
Only organizations not subscribed to the inventory module have access to menu product mix.
Go to Menu Product Mix settings.
Click on the name of the menu product mix that you want to edit.
Click on the Audit* button in the Update Product Mix window.
*optional section or field that may or may not be visible depending on the settings selected, whether the supplier is integrated or not, etc.