
Inventory - Suppliers

To Create a Delivery Schedule

  1. Check the Area* and Store displayed in the filters Drop-down boxes that let you select from the options available. at the top of the page.

    • Change it to the store for which you want to create the delivery schedule if required, and then click on the Go button

  2. Click on the Create button.

  3. In the Supplier Delivery Schedule window:

    1. Select the Order Day and Cut-Off Time for the deadline by which the order must be placed in order to receive it by the next delivery day.

    2. Select the day the supplier delivers from the Arrive Day drop-down list.

    3. Select whether the supplier delivers in the Morning or Afternoon from the Arrive In drop-down list.

    4. Select the Order Group for the schedule being created if applicable.

    5. Click on the Create button.

    6. Click on the OK button in the confirmation pop-up box A box with a prompt that opens up when you click certain links or buttons in Clearview..