
Inventory - Inventory Count Sheets

There are three types of Inventory Count Sheets:

  1. Master is a single sheet that lists all active inventory items and can be arranged in a preferred sequence if required. The Master count sheet is created in CLEARVIEW by default and is automatically updated when a new item is added or the Status of an item is changed.

  2. Custom count sheets is the Master count sheet broken down into smaller sheets based on different sections of the restaurant or any other basis determined by your store. This allows for a different employee to be made responsible for performing the physical counts for each custom sheet if required.

    An item can be repeated in more than one Custom count sheet to account for inventory maintained in more than one location. The figures entered for the item in different custom sheets in the Create Physical Count page will be added together to provide the total inventory held.

    All active inventory items must be assigned to at least one Custom Sheet. You will not be able to create a count on any Custom Sheet if there are active inventory items that have not been assigned to a custom sheet.

    Click here to learn how to identify inventory items that have not been assigned to any custom sheets.

  3. Hot Item count sheets are sheets that list only some inventory items (usually high-cost items) that are required to be counted on a more regular basis.