The Case Yield Variance page compares the case yield for the current period with the case yield for the previous period.
The Case Yield Variance page is reached through the Show Case Yield Variance* button on the Create Physical Count and Update Physical Count pages for full inventory counts only.
The Show Case Yield Variance button is available only if the Show Case Yield Variance control is set to Yes.
Click here to learn how to change the Show Case Yield Variance control in Inventory Case Yield Warning settings.
The case yield (also known as sales yield) is a comparison of the item usage to sales for the period.
Case or Sales Yield = Sales for the period / Quantity of cases or packs of an inventory item consumed during the period.
The following information is displayed on the page:
Store: The name of the store for which the case yield variance is displayed.
Current Period: The period between the last physical count and the present physical count.
Previous Period: The period between the last two physical counts.
Variance Exceeded: Indicates that only Inventory Items whose Variance % exceeds the Warning Percent set, are displayed in the table below.
Click here to learn how to change the warning percent in the Sales Yield Worksheet.
All: Indicates that all Inventory Items included in the count record are displayed in the table below.
Inventory Item: The name of the inventory item.
Pack size: Also referred to as Per Method #1 in Physical Counts, it is the size or quantity of the inventory item considered as one unit by the supplier (for example, large case, box, etc.).
Current Case Yield: The case yield calculated for the current period.
Current Case Yield = Sales for the current period / Quantity of pack size of the inventory item consumed during the current period.
Previous Case Yield: The case yield calculated for the previous period.
Previous Case Yield = Sales for the previous period / Quantity of pack size of the inventory item consumed during the previous period.
Variance %: The percentage difference between the Previous Case Yield and the Current Case Yield.
Variance % = (Current Case Yield - Previous Case Yield) x 100 / Previous Case Yield
The Show drop-down list allows you to switch between Variance Exceeded and All:
Variance Exceeded displays information of Inventory Items whose Variance % exceeds the Warning Percent set in the Sales Yield Worksheet.
Click here to learn how to change the warning percent in the Sales Yield Used interchangably with case yield, sales yield is a comparison of the item usage to sales for the period. Worksheet.
All displays information of all Inventory Items regardless of whether the Variance % exceeds the Warning Percent.
Associated Settings:
Inventory Reporting controls which sales amount is used to calculate the percentage of sales.
Inventory Categories controls the categories for inventory items.
Inventory Sub-Categories controls the sub-categories for inventory items.
Inventory Item Master List controls the complete list of inventory items in the organization.
Inventory Item by Location controls the inventory items for the store selected.
Inventory Items controls the set-up of individual inventory items.
*optional section or field that may or may not be visible depending on the settings selected, whether the supplier is integrated or not, etc.