The Create Employee page lets you create electronic employee files that can then be used for scheduling, time tracking, etc. The electronic employee files form the basis for your labour costing and reporting.
The Create Employee page may be reached through:
The Create Employee link under Labour > Employees on the navigation bar The row of labels that are located at the top left corner of a page, below the Clearview logo..
The Create New Employee button on the Find an Employee page.
The Create button on the List Active Employees page.
An electronic employee file houses all the data available for an employee in one convenient place. This information has a broad spectrum of uses including payroll, job assignments, scheduling and HR related requirements. The information is filed in easy to access categories with tabs clearly identifying their headings.
Open the Create Employee page.
Fill in all relevant fields (descriptions of some of the fields are listed below):
Highlighted fields with * are mandatory.
Click here to learn how to manage the fields that appear on the page in Employee File Controls.
Enter the name that the employee would like to be known as in Preferred Last Name* and Preferred First Name*.
Place a checkmark in the Use Preferred Name as Display Name box if you'd like the employee's preferred name to be used in CLEARVIEW instead of their legal name, where applicable.
The Employee Number can be manually entered or auto generated.
Click here to learn how to manage Employee Numbers.
The SIN/SSN is the employee's Social Insurance Number or Social Security Number.
Enter the payroll Department code to group employees by department.
Enter the percentage used to increase labour cost reporting (to cover additional expenses such as benefits, vacation payout Cash removed from a register for payments (paying a window cleaner, tipping a delivery person, etc.)., etc.) in Benefit %*.
The Benefit % field is displayed only if Benefit Determination is set to Employee.
Click here to learn how to change the Benefit Determination control in Payroll.
Select the employment Category from the drop-down list:
Part Time: Will include the employee in the part time group for payroll.
Full Time: Will include the employee in the full time group for payroll.
Mid Management: Will include the employee in the mid management group for payroll.
Management: Will include the employee in the management group for payroll.
Select Yes from the Send Information to Payroll Provider drop-down list to include the employee data and time cards in payroll exports (Time Card Summary and Employee Data Export), or No to exclude the employee.
Select Yes from the Calculate Overtime drop-down list to calculate overtime hours and pay based on Regional Employment Standards, or No to exclude the employee from overtime calculations.
Select Yes from the Exported to Payroll* drop-down list to exclude the employee from the New Employee Extract for applicable payroll packages generated through Employee Data Export, or No to include it in the next New Employee Extract.
Click on the Create button.
To enter more information you will need to edit the electronic employee file.
Electronic employee files can also be imported from your payroll app The application or software used by your organization to manage payroll. through the Employee Data Import page.
Associated Settings
Employee File Controls controls the fields on the Create/Update Employee Information page.
Employee Review Ratings
Employee Termination Reasons controls the list of potential reasons for terminating an employee.
Employee Missed Shift Reasons controls the reasons that can be selected when an employee misses a shift.
Employee Time Off Reasons
Employee Numbers controls how employee numbers are assigned to new employees.
Employee ID on POS controls how employee IDs from the POS are mapped to employees in CLEARVIEW.
Alerts controls the type of alerts referencing employees that appear in System Alerts and when.
Employee Awards/Recognition controls the service milestones for your organization.
Employee Certifications controls that certifications that can be assigned to employees.
Employee Forms controls the check list of forms and documents that display in the Forms tab of the electronic employee file.
Job Codes controls the different jobs performed in your organization.
Schedule - Positions controls the staff positions Different from jobs, positions (or staff positions) are specific roles that employees can take on during a shift (like Cashier, Drive Thru Order Taker, Fry Cook, etc.) and can be used to ensure that all positions are covered when creating a schedule. available for the store.