For ease of use, CLEARVIEW has been made highly customizable. These customizations are in the form of:

  • Pages that can be disabled if your organization does not intend to use those functions,

  • Settings that control features within pages that your organization can disable, enable or select from options to suit its needs, and

  • Different user access levels within your organization.

    • Function Not Available - the page won't be visible to the user.

    • Display Only - the user can only see the contents of the page but cannot enter any data nor make any changes.

    • Update - the user can see the contents and update existing information, but cannot add new data.

    • Full Access - the user can see the contents, add and make changes to it.

    • Full Access + Override - the user can see the contents, add and make changes to it, and modify locked content as well.

    • Custom - available only in the Settings tab, this option allows you to set the access level for each individual setting that was grouped under the function heading.

    A user's access can be set for each individual page (user A can have Display Only access to one page, Full Access to another and Function Not Available for a third). As it can be time consuming to assign access levels for each user for each page, we have simplified the process through Security Templates.

While high levels of customization ensures that your organization can get exactly what it needs from CLEARVIEW, it also means that each page of the software can have various combinations of content, which could result in differences in what you can see in the software and what someone else may see.

We need you to keep in mind that:

  1. The screenshots provided in the Online Help Center may not match what you see in CLEARVIEW.

  2. You may not see certain pages or features described in the Online Help Center.

    • To help you through this, we have indicated optional features with an * (asterisk). Hence, any field or feature that's followed by an * in the Online Help Center, may not show in your version of CLEARVIEW.

      Optional features are marked with an * only in the Online Help Center. In CLEARVIEW, a red * indicates that the field is compulsory and MUST be filled.

  3. You may not have the highest level of access to a page and hence, may not be able to edit or update a page as described in the Online Help Center.

    • In such a scenario we suggest you contact a CLEARVIEW user in your organization who has full access or your CLEARVIEW Support Team.

You can use the links below to go to a specific page in the User Guide or use the navigation pane on the left.


Set As Home Page


Add to Favourites

Remove from Favourites

Organize Favourites



My Dashboard - Live
My Dashboard - Historical
My Custom Reports
System Status
Check List Status
Executive Summary
Day Parts
Deposit Report
Sales Variance
Accounting Summary
Store Managers Summary
Forecast Accuracy
Payout List
Rebate List
Overing List
Accounting Export
Consolidated Accounting Export
Employee Birthdays
Employee Phone List
Employee Review List
Employee Event Calendar
Turnover Report
Time Card Summary
Missed Shifts Report
Employee Schedule
Schedule Variance
Time Off Report
Daily Position Report
Actual Usage
Theoretical Usage
Variance Report
Variance Report with Waste
View Product Purchases
Transfer Reports
Weekly Waste
Theoretical Troubleshooter
Food Cost Worksheet
Product Mix Trend Analysis



Security Control

Create User

Find System Users

List All System Users


Message Center




User Profile


Daily Entry

Banking Information





Time Cards

Missed Shifts

Check List

Exception Correction

Missing Financials

Missing Deductions

Missing Period Sales

Missing PLU Sales

Change List



Create an Employee
Find an Employee
List Active Employees
Employee Phone List
Employee Review List
Employee Birthdays
Bulk Pay Rate Update
Employee Data Import
Turnover Report
Employee Data Export
Employee Audit
Time Tracking
Daily Time Cards
Daily Missed Shifts
Labour Cost
Hourly Labour Cost
Missed Shifts Report
Time Card Summary
Time Card Audit Report
Stat Helper
Employee Scheduling Info
Schedule - New
Clearview Schedule
Schedule Entry/Update
Employee Schedule
Daily Schedule
Bar Line Scheduling
Daily Position Report
Time Off Report
Schedule Variance
Employee Birthdays
Employee Review List
Employee Phone List
Employee Event Calendar
Turnover Report
Time Card Summary
Time Card Audit Report
Employee Weekly Hours Report
Missed Shifts Report
Employee Schedule
Schedule Variance
Time Off Report
Daily Position Report

Cash Sheet



Cashier Report


Product Mix




Hourly Sales

Hourly Labour Cost




E.J. Viewer



Physical Counts
Create Count
List Physical Counts
Print Count Sheet
Create Purchase Order
Find a Purchase Order
List All Purchase Orders
Receive Purchase Order
Stock Level Assessment
Purchase Order Build-to's
View Product Purchases
Receive Purchase Order
Create Invoice
Find an Invoice
List All Invoices
Export Invoices To Accounting
View Product Purchases
Transferring of Goods
Create Transfer
Find a Transfer
List Current Transfers
List Outstanding Transfers
Transfer Reports
Daily Waste
Freezer Pull Worksheet
Prep Chart Worksheet
Drop Chart Worksheet
Production Charts
Purchase Order Build-to's
Actual Usage
Theoretical Usage
Variance Report
Variance Report with Waste
View Product Purchases
Transfer Reports
Weekly Waste
Theoretical Troubleshooter
Supplier Audit Report